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Easily forgotten, Dementia Signs

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Monday, March 14, 2011 | 2:02 AM

Sufficient length of time needed to find the key, starting from unpacking my bag and looking at other places. If my wife received a phone call aimed at me, he too often forget who was calling. At night my wife was happy to watch TV, especially the discussion. He was diligent in following the news about children and women. However, if I ask who is speaking, he can only remember a long time. Also the contents of the entire conversation can be captured on television less well.

I am a bit worried that he suffered a stroke. Because his father had died of the disease. According to specialists in internal medicine who became our family doctor, my wife suffered from mild cognitive impairment. I feel relieved that the disorder he suffered was not a serious disorder, but I also wonder why my wife was younger I was more easily forgotten than the older. Now I do not dare let my wife travel alone out of the house. If possible, I will accompany it. If I could not accompany her, I try to have other family members who accompany. It's known, our children have all been married and lived different city with us.

If you are going shopping, we make notes to be purchased so that he could not forget what to buy. Overall, our life is actually quite enjoyable in old age. I feel grateful for our many friends at a similar age have diseases that are far more serious. I ask the advice of a doctor, what can I do to reduce the habit of forgetting my wife. Are there factors that could incriminate lupanya habits? Do not forget my wife's habit is to be classified with dementia? Thanks for the explanation of a doctor.

(M in J)

I'm so glad you and your wife can enjoy their old age happily. Mild cognitive decline can indeed occur in the elderly. Kekerapannya, according to the Association of Medical Gerentologi Indonesia, ranging between 3% and 15%. This disorder can be classified predemensia syndrome. In these circumstances, the conditions faced by your wife is a transition state between the cognitive function of normal aging and mild dementia. Some mild cognitive impairment may be dementia. In addition to this mild cognitive impairment, there is a state of mild cognitive impairment associated with ischemia (decreased blood flow) and infarction of brain tissue due to vascular disease and atherosclerosis.

Risk factors are the emergence of mild cognitive impairment, advanced age, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, smoking, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, heart failure, and blood clotting disorders. The diagnosis of mild cognitive dysfunction can be supported with neuropsychiatric examination. Examination is often done Mini Mental State Examination. In the state of mild cognitive impairment have a value> 24, whereas values ​​<24 were classified as dementia. In mild cognitive dysfunction usually daily activities the patient is still good.

Control of risk factors in the elderly will frequence mild cognitive dysfunction can be derived. As for patients who already have mild cognitive dysfunction risk factor control can improve cognitive function and put a halt to these disorders into dementia. Effort that could be done is to monitor and control blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia, excess body weight, and controlling blood hypercoagulable. The drugs used for Alzheimer's disease therapy is also beneficial to this mild cognitive dysfunction. Patient involvement in social life and participation in activities that stimulate the cognitive functioning to slow the emergence of this mild cognitive dysfunction.
2:02 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Lazy Read Fruitful Forgotten Disease

The brain as a central resource thinks needs treatment. Physiologically, brain cells can be damaged by itself as you age. Brain function can be maintained through a variety of  ways, one  by training the brain through reading.

According to dr Samino explanation, a neurologist from the RS Islam Cempaka Putih, Jakarta, the human brain actually has a memory capacity is very large. "Our brain is like a library. If not we fill and use, after a long time will be damaged," he said.

Reading activities do not have to read a book that thick. Light reading, such as magazines or newspapers, reading scripture, also can train the brain. "This activity is easy and can be done anywhere, but have great benefits. That is why, people with certain professions, like teachers or journalists, who rarely become senile as they diligently read," said Samino.

Other mental activities, such as listening to music, dancing, watching movies, or do crossword puzzles are also advised to train the brain acuity. It is advisable to train brain activity done since the age of mid twenties.

Research shows that learning activities will enhance the growth of additional connections between neurons (synapses) and slow the onset of dementia. Other researchers argue, pursue graduate studies will also train the skills to remember and think.
2:00 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Lost, Dementia, and Amnesia

Hippocampus plays an important role in connecting and otherwise transmit information to the hypothalamus to help regulate the information to be learned. If the hippocampus is damaged, a person difficult to store new information. It does not mean memory function at a certain point

system because the brain-shaped circuit. "If another part is interrupted, disturbed memories come," he said.

Causes of forgetting

Memory loss caused by many factors, including organic brain disorders, psychological distress, and other disorders (sugar and oxygen).

Organic memory function impairment due to, among others, there is disease in the brain of a stroke, infection, tumor, and degenerative (reduction condition) so that there is damage in the brain. As a result, impaired brain function, especially memory. Generally, the first short-term memory is impaired.

Impaired cognitive function, dementia, for example, can be caused by Alzheimer's dementia known as Alzheimer's. It can also function decline due to vascular disorders of the brain (vascular dementia) in whom a stroke, blockage of small blood vessels of the brain that extends so many brain cells die.

Dementia is a brain disorder that overall cognitive function, among others, characterized by memory dysfunction. Usually preceded by a short-term memory followed by medium-and long-term memory. The condition is accompanied by one or more other disorders of cognitive functions: language skills, orientation, acting in a planned, counting, and object recognition.

Dementia is progressive and difficult memories returned. "When a person affected by stroke, brain function, including memory, there are disturbed. It could be a function of short-term memory, long-term, or even both, "he said.

In a collision

 In contrast to dementia, amnesia caused most collisions or shocks to the brain. Temporary and selective amnesia. Generally, someone who simply forgot amnesia in certain periods.

Rocksy say, various other diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes constantly indirectly affect memory. The disease is mainly triggered by unhealthy lifestyles are then to be risk factors for other disorders, such as dementia.

Memory is also associated with psychological conditions. Psychiatrists of Great Muhdi Nalini Dr Sutomo and lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University Surabaya say, memory is closely related to emotions and perceptions.

Psychological trauma is very trace, for example on rape victims, there will be repression of memories of the incident. Memories were pressed into the subconscious as an ego defense mechanism. So, can people choose what they want to remember or forget?

"Events, impression, or information you like, more memorable. Information or events that do not like to be blocked by the subconscious. The perception that an information was not important to make people remember it for a moment, "says Nalini.

Memory of someone of something also depends on how the recording of information received and the calling. Intelligence is also very influential person.

"Lost weight '

Upon hearing the word "heavy forgotten disease" Nalini and Rocksy got confused-confused. Nalini believes, diagnostic of an expert should use scientific language that can be understood.

Dizziness, for example, might lead to various diseases, ranging from vertigo to migraine. As just mentioned "heavy forgotten disease" will certainly raises the question, what kind of forgotten diseases.
1:59 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Stress Makes Us Forgetful

Starting with the question psychologist regarding when he began experiencing memory problems, the mother explained that this happened since he was young, that is before graduate degree. It was a close friend commented that she suffered a setback, not as smart as before, and he himself confirmed it. We know that intelligence is a cognitive function, including memory.

Traumatic Experiences
With further question, "Is there any important events that took place earlier? the mother told a series of events that began to change his life became quite gloomy. He previously often become a star class (because of beautiful and intelligent), becomes chairman at one of the dorm students, busy in various committees, is blind in terms of sexuality, then must accept the fact she was pregnant (because boyfriend), had to get out of the dorm, delay college, married, living with a fierce in-law, busy raising a baby (at a young age), experienced the trauma of sexual relations, domestic economic problems, and so on.

However, this does not mean that everyone who is experiencing stress (stressors) are always at risk of memory problems. There are other things that also determines the decline in memory or memory functions.

Age Factors
In the case of the mother before, factors of age, of course, also affected memory decline. Naturally when people are entering the age of middle-aged have difficulty in paying attention, learning, and recall.

In those days most people experience degenerative processes in brain nerve cells that receive duty-channel-store information or knowledge. Communication between cells of nerve (neuron) that occur when we make the process of remembering or perform other cognitive functions have been reduced or disrupted after a person has entered the age further.

Emotion and Cognition Disorders
In addition to age factor which gives the possibility of impairment of memory function, the events of life that are very pressing that continues met with negative emotions is a trigger of cognitive decline in women over the case. In circumstances of severe stress and depression a person is likely to experience cognitive impairment (inability to understand something well, think well, including recall information well).

A study by Nelson accessed indicates that women who have a history of depression who constantly have a smaller hippocampus and amygdala (occurring shrinkage of neurons) than women who are not depressed. She had a poor performance in verbal memory tests.

In Nelson's experience of clinical practice, a combination of psychotherapy and medication for depression and sleep disorders can resolve the issue properly and restore cognitive functions thoroughly. This is possible when the state of depression did not develop into Alzheimer's disease (a disease that has forgotten the basic neurological) that require more specialized treatment.

In the case of PTSD, memory will continually traumatic events that happened to disturb the process of acquisition of new information and recall information that had nothing to do with the trauma experienced. At issue is the occurrence of serious stress that this constant push produced hormone cortisol, which in turn damage the brain structures important for memory, namely the hippocampus and limbic system.

In the case of the general stress resulting in impaired memory, can be affirmed that the reaction against the destructive streslah. Each of us deal with stress differently. There are people who work in high pressure in the long term, but can stay awake the memory function, while others have been overwhelmed in these situations. So the question is how do we respond to stress, not the source of stress (stressors).

In this case the same effect as described above, intense stress trigger the release of the hormone cortisol which can impair memory. So the important thing is to find ways to modify the response to stress.

Some people can cope with stress with physical activity such as exercise. Some people can cope with stress by doing relaxation or meditation. Others do an introduction to stress the limits that can not be tolerated, and then assertively (firmly but politely) rejected tasks that can not bear anymore.

Managing Memory Functions
In addition to age and stress, there are many factors that can reduce the function of memory. These factors include genetics, hormones, diseases associated with aging, neurological disorders (stroke, Alzheimer's, etc.), cancer, side effects of some drugs, sleep disorders, diet and nutrition, alcohol, lack of exercise, lack of intellectual stimulation, smoke, use illegal drugs.

To prevent memory loss or maintain a strong memory, Nelson provides suggestions form healthy habits that can reduce the risk of diseases that can damage the memory and avoid the use of drugs that have side effects damage the memory. In addition, several strategies to strengthen cognitive function, including memory.
1:58 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Forget-forgot Recall Due to Dementia

Forgotten disease or dementia has become a common phenomenon for those who enter old age. Moreover, when age is approaching 70 years, will slow brain function, aka frequent memory loss. Forget looking for a body does still reasonable. Worse, there is, lo, that to forget with his own name.

This memory is often decline with the addition of age. So, many people who will enter old age rada alarmed if suddenly often forget. They were afraid, lest this senile symptoms.

Now it is found more and more people with this dementia disease. At the Court of Criminal Acts of Corruption (Corruption), for example, many corruption suspects was diagnosed with dementia. The most crowded is the pain Nunun Nurbaeti discussed, a key figure in the case of election bribery Senior Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) Miranda.

Wife of former deputy police chief Adang Daradjatun is sentenced to suffer from amnesia. He recommended further medical treatment because it feared this amnesia or senile dementia continues to be.

Although both causes of forgetting, amnesia is different from dementia. "Amnesia is only a memory disorder. While dementia with cognitive impairment and trigger a decline in the ability to do daily activities," said Rocsky Situmeang, nerve specialists Karawaci Siloam Hospital.

Impaired memory can take place short-term and long term. Pada short-term memory impairment, they can not remember new information. Memory has just happened tends to be lost, while memories that had long remained embedded. However, this memory loss does not interfere with intelligence, general knowledge, awareness, level of attention, appraisal, personality or identity of a person.

In general, there are three kinds of amnesia. First, the anterograde amnesia that marked inability to remember events that happened after suffering from amnesia. Second, retrograde amnesia, the inability bring back memories of past events before disease amnesia.
1:56 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Easily forgotten This is the reason

Have you forgotten? For example, forget to bring a purse or forget a place to store cell phones, forgot to lock the door of your home or forget to turn off the stove? If There's never experienced it, do not worry first. Forgotten disease is reasonable.

For you know, the structure of our brain consists of two elements of the cell. The first is the cell neurons. Cells are also commonly referred to as nerve cells serves as a storage of information.

These nerve cells also deliver information to and from our bodies. These nerve cells that control memory, attention, perception, consideration, language, and our consciousness. The amount has reached hundreds of millions of cells.

While the second element is a glial cell. Cells also called Schwann cells is tasked to make fat to protect the nerve sheath. Glia cells also served to give the intake of nutrients to the nerves.

Sometimes the information stored in the same nerve. As a result, information or information that overlap the previous entry covered by the new information.

The fact that the so-called forgotten or not remembered. "No matter how healthy or sick time, forgetting can happen anytime," explained Rocsky Situmeang, nerve specialists Karawaci Siloam Hospital, Tangerang.

Rocsky explain, in general, the process of forgetting can occur for several reasons. Lost could occur because of failure in the process of encoding the information.

Suppose you lose your wallet for forgetting where put it. This can happen because when putting the wallet of your mind is not focused. "The mind is wandering to other things," explained Mulyadi Tedjapranata, Director Medizone Clinic, Jakarta.

So, as you enter the process of remembering, your nerves can not give information on the location of the wallet. Indeed, it appears is what you think about when putting wallet earlier. At this stage, it is the ongoing process of remembering correctly, but the information that goes wrong.

Forget also can occur because the information coming into the nervous too much. For example when studying. Usually people also do other activities, such as snacking or listening to music.

"The concentration will be disrupted because the information that goes pretty much in the same time," explained Rocsky.

Knowledge that you are studying in. conjunction with the text of the song you're listening. Then when considering the information that came out could have been not about lessons, but the text of the song.

Another cause of forgetting is the failure of brain function. The brain can not accommodate or release information because of impaired brain cell. A disease that attacks the nerves usually resulting in decreased function of remembering. This memory loss is called dementia.
1:54 AM | 0 komentar | Read More Techie Blogger